Les Infos, Newsletters

InfoFlash for English Readers 1201

14 Feb 2012

– Monsanto Guilty: Paul Francois, French Farmer, Poisoned By Biotech Giant’s Chemicals

– Classification and Labelling Products (CLP)

– Crop Protection : complementarity and dialogue (Agriculture Internationale)

– Sales of counterfeit pesticides rising in EU

– For a smile : Precautionary principle for children



Monsanto Guilty: Paul Francois, French Farmer, Poisoned By Biotech Giant’s Chemicals


“A French court on Monday (13 Feb 2012) declared U.S. biotech giant Monsanto guilty of chemical poisoning of a French farmer, a judgment that could lend weight to other health claims against pesticides. In the first such case heard in court in France, grain grower Paul Francois, 47, says he suffered neurological problems including memory…

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Classification and Labelling Products (CLP)

This article is a public summary of a article in French for ForumPhyto members.

SGH (GHS in English) stands for “Globally Harmonized System for  classification and labelling of Chemicals”.

This new system is currently implementing at a global level. It impacts the labelling of Plant Protection Products, and more generally every chemical.

The new labels include new risk phrases : “H” for Hazard and “P” for Prevention and new pictograms.

For more details, visit

ECHA site : http://echa.europa.eu/web/guest/support/guidance-on-reach-and-clp-implementation


UNECE site : http://www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/ghs/presentation_e.html


Crop Protection : complementarity and dialogue (Agriculture Internationale)


Agriculture Internationale, édited by APCA (Chambres d’agricultures), gives a voice to Plant Portection Products industry (UIPP et BASF) and agronomical technical intitues (Arvalis, INRA). This article contains interviews of : JC Bocquet, UIPP J Mathieu, ARVALIS V Gros, BASF H Guyomard, INRA   Most statements are about Integrated Pest Management, Huge improvement of plant protection products regarding…

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Sales of counterfeit pesticides rising in EU

This Euractiv story follows a Europol Press Release.

“Fraudulent pesticides that account for up to 25% of supplies in some European countries are threatening farmers, land and produce, warns the European Union law enforcement agency Europol.”

Read the full story


For a smile : Precautionary principle for children

For Laurent Berthod who proposes this image : “The judicial consequences of the precautionary principle, is simple as this Voutch’s drawing!”

Legend : “I, undersigned, , (forname, name), assume I am aware and  fully assume the microbio  risks linked with consumption of this – put here : half a piece of bread – Date and signature”

Visit the Laurent Berthod’s Blog.