• “Why everyone who is sure about a food philosophy is wrong” (T Haspel, Washington Post)

    28 Jul 2015

    Upon this title, Tamar Haspel, writer, demonstrates that the “unbreachable divide between advocates of modern conventional agriculture and, essentially, everyone else, from the mainstream (organic, local, anti-GMO) to the less-so (biodynamics, permaculture, agroforestry)” is not only partisan, but also misleading, “for the simple reason that food and philosophy don’t mix”. According to T Haspel, agriculture is a matter of…

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    Front page, Europe and international, International

  • Biocontrol for Fruit and vegetables in Africa-Caribbean-Pacific

    07 Jul 2015

    COLEACP-PIP is an initiative for the search of Plant Protection solutions for ACP (Africa-Caribbean-Pacific) countries . In this article (in English), COLEACP, which pilot this initiative, explains the work in progress for a better knowledge of biocontrol solutions. COLEACP notes : « Minor crops (including fruit, vegetables, and herbs) face a global shortage of plant protection products PPPs).  The…

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    Front page, Europe and international, International

  • Minor uses and speciality crops at the European Parliament

    24 Jun 2015

    19 agri-food chain organizations, associated in the AFCRT, and Anthea McIntyre, UK MEP, organized an event at the European Parliament. They “call for a coherent policy on plant protection solutions, including minor uses and speciality crops” Read the presentation  including: – Agriculture production perspective, by Luc Peeters, Copa-Cogeca: need for a quick and concrete harmonization of the EU plant…

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    Front page, Europe and international, European Union

  • EU: “Transparency – Stop the Good Lobby / Bad Lobby Nonsense”

    12 May 2015

    On this title, David Zaruk, on his blog The risk monger, describes how, in a EU meeting, there is a heavy process to give the talk to the NGOs lobbyists and to ostracise the industries lobbyists and their data. There is a huge difference between Washington DC and Brussels : In the USA, there are lobbyists. In Brussels,…

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    Front page, Europe and international, European Union

  • Minor uses, a major issue… in the USA

    11 May 2015

    IR-4 is an USA program dedicated to the minor uses issue in the USA: Since 1963, it has been “the major resource for supplying pest management tools for specialty crop growers by developing research data to support new EPA tolerances and labeled product uses.” Read the 2014 IR-4 Year End Summary  to understand what is the IR-4 program….

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    Front page, Europe and international, International

  • “Almond growers plant wildflowers to help bees” (The Modesto Bee)

    09 Mar 2015

    Under this title, The Modesto Bee, a California newspaper, writes about the action of Project Apis m (in English), a non-profit association of growers, beekeepers and scientists which “funds and directs research to enhance the health and vitality of honey bee colonies while improving crop production”. “Researchers say the causes could include diseases, parasites, trucking stress, pesticides or poor…

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    Front page, Europe and international, International

  • “A call for a coherent policy on plant protection solutions, including minor uses” (Agri‐food chain Roundtable for plant protection)

    06 Mar 2015

    The Agri-food Chain RoundTable for Plant Protection is an informal coordination of 16 europeans organizations of growers, cooperatives, food importers, plant protection industry, etc. including Copa-Cogeca, Freshfel, Profel, ECPA and IBMA. In December 2014, the Roundtable released “A call for a coherent policy on plant protection solutions, including minor uses” (originally in English, and now available en français, en…

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    Front page, Europe and international, European Union

  • “The impact of losing plant protection products on UK food production”

    23 Dec 2014

    The NFU (National Farmers Union) has released « Healthy Harvest », a public friendly document based on a full report on “The Effect of the Loss of Plant Protection Products on UK Agriculture and Horticulture and the Wider Economy” Over-regulation, both at an EU and UK level, severely hampers our ability to provide the raw ingredients for the food and drink…

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    Europe and international, European Union